Viewing Help File

Subject: CREDITS
 | o         M A N Y    S P E C I A L    T H A N K S    T O :            o |
 |           ================================================              |
 | Dennis M. Ritchie and Ken Thompson for their creation and development   |
 | of "C" and UNIX; also Bell Laboratories, AT&, MIT, and the University  |
 | of Berkeley California for their development and contributions to UNIX  |
 | and C libraries; and thanks also to The Free Software Foundation for    |
 | their GCC compiler, C library and development tools.                    |
 |                                                                         |
 | J.R.R. Tolkien for his huge contribution to the fantasy world and great |
 | many, many inspirations; and of course TSR Hobbies Inc. for their many  |
 | continuing contributions to the world of gaming, including Dungeons &&   |
 | Dragons (tm), AD& (tm) and Forgotten Realms (tm); also Steve Jackson   |
 | and Ian Livingstone for their Fighting Fantasy (tm) games and books.    |
 |                                                                         |
 | The DIKU Mud team for their contributions to the Internet world of MUDS,|
 | and the MERC Mud team for their work and development towards DikuMud.   |
 |                                                                         |
 | And a great many thanks to all the gods, avatars and wonderful players  |
 | of Realms of Despair, as without them this mud could not be what it is. | 
 |                                                                         |
 | o                             -Thoric                                 o |