Viewing Help File

Subject: CONFIG
Syntax:  config + or - [option]
This command configures some of your character behavior.  Typing CONFIG
alone shows you your current settings.  With a plus or minus sign and
an option, CONFIG turns that option on or off.  The options are:
  NICE      Toggle attack response if attacked by a player (non-deadly only)
  NORECALL  Toggle automatic recall if you lose link during combat
  AUTOEXIT  You automatically see exits
  AUTOLOOT  You automatically loot corpses (not on pkilled corpses)
  AUTOSAC   You automatically sacrifice corpses
  AUTOGOLD  You automatically split gold from kills with your group
  GAG       Toggle whether you see battle details in full or brief form
  PAGER     Toggle page pausing on long scrolls
  BLANK     You have a blank line before your prompt
  BRIEF     You see brief descriptions only.
  COMBINE   You see object lists in combined format
  NOINTRO   Toggle whether you see the graphic screen at login
  PROMPT    You have a prompt
  TELNTGA   You receive a telnet GA sequence
  ANSI      You receive ANSI color sequences
  RIP       You don't receive RIP graphics
  DRAG      Toggle whether others can drag you if you are incapacitated
  NOSUMMON  Toggle whether you will allow player characters to summon you
  GROUPWHO   Toggles an announcement that you seek to group.
For more information on the configuration menu, read section 5 in your
Adventurer's Guide book.