Viewing Help File

When you have reached max level, you are able to rebirth or 'tier' up your
character. This can be done as much as the player wants. Each time, you will gain 100 training
sessions for each rebirth to increase your base stats. With the exception of your first rebirth,
you will take an EXP penalty of 50% on the second rebirth and then then division goes
smaller and smaller. All practiced skills and their uses will remain, but the learned percentage
will reset to 15%.

WARNING: Rebirthing in a room with objects will purge the
room of all contents. Rebirthing will also cause any worn or held
gear and gold currently on hand to be destroyed.

** Please read the disclaimer on the rebirth command **

Syntax: rebirth [current] or [race]
Races: android biodroid halfbreed human icer mutant namek saiyan majin
Note: Selecting current will keep the race you have chosen, and entering a race
in the buffer will select that race for your next rebirth.