Viewing Help File

Subject: customattack setatkname setatktoyou setatktoroom setformtoyou setformtoroom
 These commands are used in setting custom skill messages for you and the room to see.

Syntax: setatktoyou   [string]
Syntax: setatktoroom [string]
Syntax: setformtoyou [string]
Syntax: setformtoroom [string]
Syntax: setatkname [string]

Note: - **You are limited to about 350 characters**

 The syntaxes below will replace what you would us for the victims name, gender etc.

an example would be:

setatktoroom $n(Seventeen) powers up wildly as $e(he) charges $s(his) SUPER INSANE MEGA BLASTER CANON and fires it at $N(A Test Dummy)

  $n - Name of the user.
  $N - Name of the target.
  $m - him/her/it for the user.
  $M - him/her/it for the target.
  $s - his/her/its for the user.
  $S - his/her/its for the target.
  $e - he/she/it for the user.
  $E - he/she/it for the target.
  $z - to do a new line