Viewing Help File

Subject: WHO
WHO shows the characters currently in the Realms.  Invisible characters will
not appear on this list if you cannot detect invisible.  Immortals who are
wizinvis higher than your own level also will not appear.
Syntax:  who                 who [class]    who [class] race]
         who [level range]   who deadly     who [class] [race] [level range]
With arguments, WHO can show players of certain classes, races, or levels:
For example:
 who 10                  lists all characters level 10 or above
 who 15 20               lists all characters between level 15 and 20
 who cleric              lists all clerics playing
 who cleric elf          lists all cleric elfs playing
 who imm                 lists all Immortals playing
 who cleric 1 5          lists all clerics between levels 1 and 5
 who deadly              lists all deadly (pkill) characters playing
 who 'guild of mages'    lists all online members of the specified Guild
 who [order name]        lists all online members of the specified Order
 who [clan name]         lists all online members of the specified Clan
 who 'newbie council'    lists all online members of the specified Council
 who [deity name]        lists all online worshippers of the specified deity
 who group               lists all online grouped players
 who group 10 20         will list all players level 1 thru 10 who are grouped
                         or who desire to group. (see also help CONFIG)
 who leader              will list all leaders of clans, orders, guilds and
                         councils.  This can be used in conjuction with a
                         specific order if it is listed after the name.
                         For example who 'guild of mages' leader