Viewing Help File

Subject: SUMMARY
|              MOVEMENT            |               GROUP              |
|north east south west northeast up| follow group gtell ; split       |
|northwest southeast southwest down|----------------------------------|
|somewhere open close lock unlock  |           INFORMATION            |
|leave enter climb fly float look  |death CR reimb rules damage areas |
|where scan scry sleep wake stand  |commands experience score title   |
|rest sit |------------------------|weather channels description story|
|---------| CONFIG OPTIONS         |who report tick password typo note|
|autoloot autogold autoexit autosac|wizlist MOTD news bug weapons mail|
|nice flee norecall ansi blank rip |time slist report languages spells|
|nointro prompt telnetga shovedrag |skills idea |---------------------|
|combine  |------------------------|------------| COMBAT              |
|---------|    OBJECTS             |kill flee wimpy rescue aid murder |
|get put drop give sacrifice recite|cast |----------------------------|
|say tell chat question answer yell|-----|     COMMUNICATION          |
|wield wear remove inventory list  |social quest clan ordertalk newbie|
|appraise buy sell compare examine |avatar counciltalk quildtalk shout|
|hold quaff zap brandish equipment |say tell chat question answer yell|
|empty fill eat drink pick value   |auction  |------------------------|
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