Viewing Help File

Subject: STORY2
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__|                           -Story-                                |__|_
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__|  During the course of time, there have been instances where      |__|_
_||  all recorded history throughout the universe has for some       ||__
__| reason or another has been lost. The most recent of those times  |__|_
_||  has all but just finished. Many planets inhabitants began       ||__
__| working together to enhance the society for all their peoples.   |__|_
_|| As each civilization began to grow in technology and strength    ||__
__|          they began to grow in population and skill.             |__|_
_||                                                                  ||__
__|  As their civilizations expanded into space, the slowly began    |__|_
_|| making contact with one another, though, only thought to have    ||__
__| been legends, since all history of them was gone. There were     |__|_
_|| were brief skirmishes between some of the planets, though war    ||__
__|                      was never declared.                         |__|_
_||                                                                  ||__
__|    As time went on, individual members of the different races    |__|_
_||  formed alliances amongst one another, eventually establishing   ||__
__|     the clans that now vie for control over the universe.        |__|_
_||                                                                  ||__
__| As the cultures began to grow to their once prosperous states,   |__|_
_||  they started to explore more planets in an effort investigate   ||__
__|   investigate their history and find out what had happened.      |__|_
_||   Upon searching the remains of an underground sanctuary on      ||__
_||     Earth, a survey team uncovered tomes that detailed           ||__
__|  a relative tranquil world, protected by warriors of awesome     |__|_
_||  might. Hinting to the possibility of some of the other races    ||__
__|  being enemies of Humans and their Half-breed cousins. One of    |__|_
_||    the tomes outlined directions to various planets still        ||__
__| uncharted by the new galactic community, though as the tome was  |__|_
_|| being prepared for transport back to a museum for study, space   ||__
__|  pirates attacked them on a surprise raid, stealing the tome.    |__|_
_||         The pirates quickly vanished vowing to uncover           ||__
__|                   uncover the ancient powers.                    |__|_
_||                                                                  ||__