Viewing Help File

At current time, there are 14 "positions" in the game. Positions
are in a special order.  If position b is below position a on the
list, that indicates that while in position b, you have more 
physical or mental energy to spend on a task, be it a command,
a spell, or a skill.
For example, while standing, you have a greater ability to do things
than while sitting.  While fighting evasively, you have more options
than while fighting aggressively.
The ordered list is as follows, left to right, top to bottom:
Dead          Mortally Wounded        Incapacitated
Stunned       Sleeping                Fighting (Berserk)
Resting       Fighting (Aggressive)   Sitting
Fighting (Std)Fighting (Defensive)    Fighting (Evasive)
Standing      Mounted
See Also: STYLES