Viewing Help File

Subject: RULES
The rules of the world are simple. If you choose to ignore them,
your punishment will be up to the discretion of the immortal staff.
Remember, we are still an extremely new MUD.
1) No advertising other MUDs.
2) No advertising for this MUD on other MUDs.
4) Do NOT mislead new players to the MUD.
5) You have Freedom of Speech. But keep it respectful.
6) Respect the Immortal staff.
7) Report ALL bugs. Failure in doing so may result in Rollback or Deletion.
8) Triggers/Macros/Timers/Commandstacks are allowed. PK triggers are illegal in any way/form.
9) No racial slurs, bashing or any other form of slander will be allowed on public channels.
10) No religous/political talk/bashing is allowed on public channels.
11) Just have fun. If you don't understand something ask for help.