Viewing Help File

Subject: ROID
- The Asteroid is PK, if you plan on going there, there is a HIGH chance
someone will attack you.
- After a fight the victor must be given a 5min grace period to leave and
- The second you step onto the roid you are vulnerable to getting attacked.
- Absolutely NO ganging on the roid.
- Group fights must be agree'd to on wartalk.
- If you enter a ship, the fight is over.
- Using the aid command is illegal on the roid, if you spar you let them unstun.
- There will no longer be any logging while on the roid while fighting.
  If you do this you shall be helled for a minimum of 24hrs.
  If you wish to stop fighting, get in your ship and lock it...or simply just die!
- If two people are sparring on the roid, feel free to jump them.
*** If you don't know someones sparring, don't bother trying it. An easy way to tell
people sparring is if their in the same clan ** DO NOT attack them unless they are in
the same clan, or one person stuns and leaves, or stuns and aids. ***
If you are attempting to flee the roid and follow someone into your ship to bypass the
adrenaline timer, expect extreme consequences (ban/destroy).