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Subject: RNF
__|                                                                  |__|_
_|| In times gone past, the knights whose names have gone down in    ||__
__| history and all those who assisted them strove to fight against   |__|_
_|| the powers let loose by selfish gods. After a time, they did     ||__
__| succeed and balance still remains keeping the gods at bay.       |__|_
_||                                                                  ||__
__| Today, the descendants of those brave knights and allies,        |__|_
_|| belonging to the Order of Rol Na Feinne stand an ever vigilant   ||__
__| watch, waiting for the day when those gods use their minions to  |__|_
_|| make another attempt at conquest, for evil rests not. Many of    ||__
__| these gods' advocates have already slid unnoticed into the order |__|_
_|| itself quietly waiting, seeking a perfect moment to destroy. Yet ||__
__| the order remains strong, for its Deity oversees forever breath- |__|_
_|| ing into these knights and their allies the rallying cry, "Though||__
__| the gods may trifle with us and evil have her macabre way for a  |__|_
_|| time, we shall prevail for chilvary is not dead and magik still  ||__
__| abounds!"                                                        |__|_
_||                                                                  ||__
__|           "Go mbeiri muid beo ar an am seo aris!"                |__|_
_||                                                                  ||__