Viewing Help File

Subject: RIGNORE
Syntax:  rignore                           - list current rignores
         rignore ignore  [pattern]         - ignore player(s) or mud(s)
         rignore notrust [pattern]         - don't trust player(s) or mud(s)
	 rignore delete  [pattern]         - remove a rignore
rignore ignores or restricts the access, at a mud-wide level, everything
coming in over IMC for a specified player or group of players. Currently
two possible actions are possible: ignore and notrust.
Ignore means:
- rtells/rbeeps/rwhos will be ignored, and a rtell sent back to say that the
  mud is ignoring them.
- no messages from them on rchat, rcode, etc will appear on your mud.
Notrust means:
- any rwho/rfinger/etc requests from a mud/player matching the pattern will
  be treated as if they were from a level 1 mortal - ie. wizi imms will never
  be revealed on rwho, and rtells won't see them, etc.
- any incoming channel messages from something matching the pattern are
  stripped of wizi status - they will be visible to everyone in general.
Patterns can be one of:
  player@mud              - matches a specific player at a specific mud
  *suffix                 - matches anything ending with that suffix
                            (commonly used as *@mud)
  prefix*                 - matches anything beginning with that prefix
                            (for example, player@*)
  *substring*             - matches anything containing that substring
Use with care.