Viewing Help File

Please note that these color codes are used to customize text and background
colors in your MUD experience. To apply a color code, use the ampersand (&), curly brace
(}), or caret (^) followed by the respective letter or combination of letters. For
example, to display text in red, use & at the beginning of the text. To apply
a blinking effect to text, use }} followed by the desired color code. Similarly,
to change the background color, use ^^ followed by the desired color code.Experiment
with different color codes to create visually appealing text and customize
your MUD experience.

For best results, apply in the following order: Foreground, Blinking, Background. 

Always remember to close off your colours when done with &. 

Foreground Colours (make sure your background isn't the same)

   & - Black                         & - Dark Red
   &&o - &oDark Orange/Brown             & - Dark Blue
   & - Orange/Brown                  & - Grey
   & - Cyan                          & - Yellow
   & - Dark Grey                     & - Light Blue
   & - Dark Green                    & - Purple
   & - Light Green                   & - Red
   & - Pink/Light Purple             & - Blue
   & - White                         & - Brown
   &&Z - &ZR&Za&Zn&Zd&Zo&Zm&Zi&Zz&Ze&Zd &ZC&Zo&Zl&Zo&Zr&Zs

Blinking Colours (many clients translate this to italics)

   }}x - Blinking Black                }}w - }wBlinking Grey
   }}O - }OBlinking Orange/Brown         }}Y - }YBlinking Yellow
   }}c - }cBlinking Cyan                 }}C - }CBlinking Light Blue
   }}z - }zBlinking Dark Grey            }}p - }pBlinking Purple
   }}g - }gBlinking Dark Green           }}R - }RBlinking Red
   }}G - }GBlinking Light Green          }}B - }BBlinking Blue
   }}P - }PBlinking Pink/Light Purple    }}W - }WBlinking White
   }}r - }rBlinking Dark Red             }}b - }bBlinking Dark Blue

Background Colours

^^x - ^xBackground: Black                ^^W - ^WBackground: Light Grey
^^r - ^rBackground: Dark Red             ^^z - ^zBackground: Dark Grey
^^g - ^gBackground: Dark Green           ^^C - ^CBackground: Light Cyan
^^G - ^GBackground: Green                ^^N - ^NBackground: Brown
^^y - ^yBackground: Yellow               ^^s - ^sBackground: Dark Sand
^^o - ^oBackground: Orange/Brown         ^^S - ^SBackground: Sand
^^b - ^bBackground: Dark Blue            ^^j - ^jBackground: Dark Jade
^^p - ^pBackground: Purple               ^^J - ^JBackground: Jade
^^c - ^cBackground: Cyan                 ^^l - ^lBackground: Dark Blue-Green
^^w - ^wBackground: Grey                 ^^L - ^LBackground: Blue-Green

Happy Colouring!