Viewing Help File

Subject: NOTE2
SUBJECT - Sets the subject line of a new note to [text]. You must be
 holding a note, and have a quill in your inventory to set the Subject.
 example: 'note subject Hello World!' sets Hello World! as the subject.
TO - Sets the recipient(s) to [text]. ALL means all players. IMMORTAL
 means all immortals. You must be holding a note, and have a quill.
 example: 'note to Harakiem' sets Harakiem as the note's recipient.
SHOW - displays a note you are holding.
 example: 'note show' displays the note you're holding.
POST - takes a note you're holding and posts it to the board you are at,
 so others may read it.
 example: 'note post' puts it on the board.
REMOVE - erases note [number] from a note board. You must be at a note
 board and be the note's author or an immortal to use Remove.
 example: 'note remove 12' removes note #12, if you're its author.
TAKE - similar to 'Remove' but places the note in your inventory, rather
 than completely erasing it.
 example: 'note take 10' moves note 10 to your inventory from the board.
DATE - similar to 'list' but replaces who the message is to with the
 date that the note was written.
Also See Help note