Viewing Help File

USAGE - 'note (command) [number or text]'
   (command) can be any of the following:
    List, Read, Write, Subject, To, Show, Post, Remove, Take, Date.
   [number or text] can be left blank, be a number, or be words
    depending on what (command) you use.  Usage is explained below.
LIST - Lists the notes you can read. List [number] lists all the notes
 including, and after [number]. You must be at a note board to List.
 example: 'note list'    shows all notes on the board.
          'note list 10' shows notes 10 and later on the board.
READ - Displays the contents of [number]. You must be at a note board to
 Read, and you must specify a [number].
 example: 'note read 5' displays note #5.
WRITE - Puts you in an editor where you can write a note. You must be
 holding a note, and have a quill in your inventory to Write.
 example: 'note write' puts you in the editor. See Help EDITOR.
See Also Help Note2