Viewing Help File

Syntax:  name [newname]
This command allows a pre-authorization player to change their name to
a new one if their original choice has been denied.
  Example: A new player named Pete has his name denied. To change his
  name to 'Joe', Pete would simply type: Name Joe.
When choosing a name, please try to choose one which is both medieval
and unique. Good names help add to gameplay and will allow you to forge
an identity for yourself. Simply put, your name should NOT be:
 - Nonsensical, unpronounceable or ridiculous.
 - Profane or derogatory as interpreted in any language.
 - Futuristic or common, such as 'Jill' or 'Laser'.
 - Similar to that of any Realms Immortal, major mob, or equipment.
 - Significant in history, mythology, or any religion.
 - Comprised of various capital letters, such as 'BrACkkA' or 'CORTO'.
 - Comprised of ranks or titles, such as 'Lord' or 'Master'.
 - Composed of singular descriptive nouns, adverbs or adjectives,
    as in 'Heart', 'Big', 'Flying', 'Broken', 'Slick' or 'Tricky'.
 - Any of the above in reverse, i.e., writing Jade as 'Edaj'.
 - Any combination of singular descriptive nouns/adverbs or adjectives, as
   in 'Metaljacket Heartbound Earthstone or Softheart'.
  - No names from Dragonball Z or GT, this also includes variations on their names (ie Goken, Joku, Joten)
Please keep in mind that names which were authed in the past do
not validate current name authing. Above are the guidelines
which all immortals follow. In addition, they may have their own
reasons for denying your name. The final determination as to the
validity of a name on the Realms is the discretion of the Immortals
and is NOT subject to debate or discussion. If your name is denied,
simply follow the guidelines and try a new one.