Viewing Help File

Subject: AUTH
Associated help file: Authorize
Syntax: authorize [name] [yes|name|no/deny]
Authorize is used to allow a new player to start his or her character.
Names must not be offensive or similar to an existing immortal (within a
letter or two).  Names like "Braveheart" are acceptable even though they
are not normally considered "proper" names.  Players are allowed to use
names of mobs ... but not extremely popular mobs.
Use your best judgement when authorizing a name.
You may use the abbreviation "a" for authorize and the abbreviation "n" 
for name.  In addition, you only need to type as much of a name to uniquely
identify it.
So, for example, if Goixetoika is awaiting authorization,
a                shows pending authorizations
a g              allows the name
a g n            requires player to change name
a g no           denies name and forces player off (offensive name)