Viewing Help File

The mud will automatically assign you a Killer flag if you cause the
death of another player. Only situations which involve peacefuls being
killed by mortals, or Deadlies killing fellow clanmembers will result
in the assignment of this flag. You will receive a Killer flag if:
  1. You caused the DEATH of another player, regardless of who attacked first.
  To help prevent yourself from acquiring a Killer flag after being
  attacked, set yourself to Config +Nice (See Help Config for info).
  2. You were the Master of a mobile which killed another player while
  under the influence of your charm. PLEASE NOTE that you will receive a
  Killer flag even if the player that died attacked the charmed
  mobile without the Master's permission. Charmers and Pet Owners are held
  responsible for the actions of their Pets/Charmies. (See Help Charm
  and Help Pets for more info on these topics).
  3. You are a Deadly player and caused the death of a fellow Clanmember.
Darkhaven Guards, shopkeepers and special function mobs now respond
differently to illegal flags. You may find yourself barred from making
puchases, placed before Judge Kendra for a hearing, sentenced to
jail, or SLAYED by Harakiem.  You may apply to Judge Kendra in person to
seek removal of the flag. She is located one west of the Main Lobby in 
the Townhall. (See Help TOwnhall for info)
Kendra in person if you wish. Her Honour is located one west of the
Main Lobby in Townhall (See Help Townhall for info).