Viewing Help File

Subject: AUCTION2
Auction will also work with the following arguments:
au bid 20k      - bids 20000 coins
au bid 20k500   - bids 20500 coins (20,000 + 500)
au bid 20k5003  - bids 20500 coins, too (only checks first 3 chars after "k")
au bid 1m       - bids 1 million coins
On an existing bid of 10000:
au bid +10       - adds 10%, making the bet 11000.
au bid +         - adds 25% (the default if no number given), bet is 12500.
au bid x         - multiplies by 2, making the bet 20000.
au bid x5        - multiplies by 5, making the bet 50000.
It is illegal to auction [or barter, sell, trade] clan, order, or guild items.
Exception: Old clan equipment that was converted to be worn by both peaceful
           and deadly players.
Also see: 'HELP AUCTION' for more information.