Viewing Help File

.Syntax: auction (abbreviations: a , auc)
Syntax: auction [item name] [starting value]
Syntax: auction bid [value]
The auction command is used for performing auctions.  Simply typing auction
will display the current item being auctioned, if there is one.  
If nothing is being auctioned, auction [item name] [starting value] will 
begin an auction.  If no starting value is specified, it begins at 0 gold.
Auction bid [value] will place a bet for the item.
Special thanks to Erwin Andreasen for writing this function.
(Ported to SMAUG from a publicly available source.)
At the present, if the mud crashes in mid auction, you will lose both 
your bidded money and the item.  This will at some point be fixed.
You are able to see auction almost from the point of character creation,
however, you cannot USE auction unless you're level FIVE or higher. To remove
the auction channel from your screen, type CHANNEL -AUCTION.
SEE also "help AUCTION2" for more on auction commands
* Auctions will not be stopped for overbidding or misbidding*