Viewing Help File

Subject: IGNORE
Syntax:  ignore
Syntax:  ignore [character]
Syntax:  ignore reply/none
Ignore allows you to ignore other characters in the Realms.  All tells,
says, socials, and emotes from these characters will be blocked (gagged
out).  You will still see their communications through public channels,
Simply typing ignore will give you a list of all the characters you are
currently ignoring.
Ignore [character] allows you to add or remove a character from your list
of ignored players.  If the name is already on the list it will be removed.
If the name is not on the list it will be added.  Note that only the names
of actual characters will be accepted and that it is not necessary for
them to be logged on at the time.
Ignore reply will cause you to ignore the last person to send you a tell.
This can be used to prevent invisible people from spamming you.
Ignore none will set you to ignoring no one.