Viewing Help File

Subject: AREAS
Syntax:  areas
Syntax:  areas old
Syntax:  areas [low range] [hi range]
The 'areas' command displays an alphabetically sorted list of all areas
within the game, together with the author and suggested level range of
each area.  
The 'areas old' command displays an unsorted list of all areas (the old
style), as well as the author and suggested level range of each area.
You can specify a level range to see a list of all areas with suggested
ranges which encompass the argument.  This can be a little awkward as
each area has a low and a high suggested range.  Suffice to say that if
an area's level range matches even one level of the range you request,
it will be displayed.
Special thanks to Fireblade for design and coding of this restyled function.
The Realms of Despair will provide a copy of areas built by individuals
to that individual and no one else. To receive a copy of an area for use
on other muds, you must contact that individual.