Viewing Help File

Guilds are special organizations for each class within the realms. Belonging
to a Guild has many advantages, such as gaining new knowledge of your class,
making new friends in the Realms, exciting quests, the great feeling of 
helping other players, and many other aspects of Guild life make being in a
Guild a memorable experience.  Each Guild has its own separate headquarter
with a healer, a practice room, a Guild store, and many other rooms that makes
each Guild unique unto itself.
Membership in a Guild is not something that is easily obtained, and you must
be a law-abiding player.  Deadly players are not allowed to join Guilds.
There are rules within each Guild, and along with these rules, you must
follow the rules of this MUD.
To gain entry into a Guild, you should speak with a leader of the Guild.  The
leaders are those people who have the title [Leader], [First] and [Second].
To find out who is on from a Guild, type "who 'Guild of *****'.  For example,
if you are a Druid, and you wish to find out who is on from the Guild of 
Druids, type "who 'Guild of Druids'", and you will be given a list of players
that belong to the Guild.
Type help guild rules for a list of rules about Guild equiment and items.