Viewing Help File

Syntax:  group [character], group all, group, group disband
'Group [character]' adds someone who is following you into your group, making
them a group member.  Group members share experience from kills, and may use
the GTELL and SPLIT commands.  If anyone in your group is attacked, you will
automatically join the fight.
If character is already a member of your group, 'group [character]' again to
remove them from your party.  Removing the character from the group does not
stop them from following you, however.  A character can also leave a group
by using the 'follow self' command, in which case they will both leave your
group and stop following you.
'Group' with no argument shows statistics for each character in your group.
'Group all' groups all eligible players following you in the room.
'Group disband' allows the leader to disband his group (members will stop
following and are ungrouped).