Viewing Help File

Following Zed           [hitpnts]   [ magic ] [mvs] [mst] [race]  [to lvl]
[43- A Dru] Zed           35/94       66/80     90   -==     Elf

Each line begin with the [Level Alignment Class] for each char.  Classes
are displayed by their first three letters.  Alignment reads:
 A... 750+          -A... 350 to  749  +N...  150 to  349   N...-149 to 149
-N...-349 to -150   +S...-749 to -350   S...-1000 to -750
[hitpnts] lists current hitpoints for each character:
          Current hitpoints under 40% of maximum will be displayed in yellow,
          while current hitpoints under 25% will be displayed in flashing red.
[ magic ] lists current magic points (mana or blood) followed by maximum
          magic points for each character.  Warrior mana is not displayed.
[mst]     tracks mentalstate.  A normal or near-normal state, where the
          char is neither tired (negative mentalstate) or delirious (high),
          is represented by a === bar.  As mentalstate lifts into delirium,
          sections are replaced with +, the greater the number of +'s the more
          delirious the char.  As mentalstate sinks below into exhaustion,
          sections of the bar are replaced with -, the more -'s the greater
          the character's exhaustion.
[mvs]     lists current moves only
[race]    is the character's race.
[to lvl]  displays exp required to attain the next level (non-Avatars only)