Viewing Help File

Subject: EDITOR
The SMAUG Editor is used when you're writing mail, notes, your bio,
description or other long bodies of text. The commands in the editor are
(these commands are shown with a space between the / and the command letter. 
Omit the space when using the commands in your notes):
/ ?              Displays editor help.
/ l              Lists the current contents of the note.
/ c              Clears the current contents of the note.
/ d [line]       Delete line. If no line number is given, the most
                  recent line is deleted.
/ g [line]       Goto line. This is useful for inserting lines,
                  deleting and fixing lines, etc.
/ i [line]       Insert line. Inserts a new blank line where specified.
/ r [old] [new]  Global replace. '/g' to the line you want to start
                  replacing at first, or no occurences will be found.
/ a              Abort editing. No changes you made are kept.
/ ! [command]    Execute mud command. '/! smile' sends the smile
                  command, without exiting the editor.
/ s              Save buffer, and exit the editor.