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Subject: DIKU
.         SMAUG was originally based on the Merc 2.1 code which was
              based on the orignal DIKUMud code created by:
                       The Original DIKUMud Team:
          Katja Nyboe               [Superwoman] (
          Tom Madsen              [Stormbringer] (
          Hans Henrik Staerfeldt           [God] (
          Michael Seifert                 [Papi] (
          Sebastian Hammer               [Quinn] (
                     Additional contributions from:
 Michael Curran  - the player title collection and additional locations.
 Bill Wisner     - for being the first to successfully port the game,
                   uncovering several old bugs, uh, inconsistencies,
                   in the process.
         And: Mads Haar and Stephan Dahl for additional locations.
  The Original DIKUMud was Developed at the Department of Computer Science
                     at the University of Copenhagen.