Viewing Help File

Subject: setattackgraphic
This command will allow you to choose the graphic for your custom attack. 

Syntax: setatkgraphic  - The values below will be what the attack graphics will look like.

0  - None
1  - Kamehameha
2  - Double Sundae
3  - Blast
4  - Fingerbeam
5  - Deathball
6  - Energysphere
7  - DDD
8  - Destructo Disk
9  - Energyball
10 - Tribeam
11 -  SBC
12 - Kick
13 - Punch
14 - Claw
15 - Masenko
16 - Ghost
17 - Ultra Instinct
18 - Scythes
19 - Eyebeam

See Also: help custom